Why should I use BioMed Mentor services?

Our first goal is to help you publish your work, and our second goal is to teach you how to improve your writing. We treat each editing task like a writing class. Every time you use our services you will learn from the comments and corrections we provide and will notice your writing skills improve.

What are the fields you cover?

We specialize in the life sciences (medicine, biology, biochemistry, genetics).

What type of documents do you edit?

We typically edit scientific manuscripts in the field of life sciences. We can edit meeting abstracts, cover letters and journal article manuscripts of any form, from short communications to extensive reviews.

How much does the editing service cost?

We offer outstanding services at very competitive prices. Please check our price list here.

How do I pay for your services?

We accept major credit cards and Paypal payments. Upon the completion of the editing job, you will receive your revised document together with an invoice and the instructions to proceed with the payment.

How do I submit my documents?

You can email your documents as attached files. Please follow the instructions on submitting your documents here.

What is the best file format to use?

Please send us your text in Microsoft Word format and your figures as PDF. Even though we do not correct the figures, we need to see them in order to better understand and correct the text.

What parts of my document do you edit/exclude?

We typically correct all the text in the article, figure legends and tables. We do not correct the references, since most people use Endnote or similar software to insert them automatically. Upon your request we can check the reference list, please check the price list here.

Do you also check my references?

Checking and/or correcting the references is an option you would need to add. For more information on reference services and prices click here.

Why don’t you include the reference list in the word count for corrections?

We simply want to keep the cost down for our clients. Most people insert the references automatically using reference manager software; therefore, there are usually no typos in the reference list to be corrected. Including the reference list in the word count, would increase the price for the editing job, therefore, we offer a separate option with lower fees to check the references upon request by our clients. Please click here for more information.

Will you edit my figures?

We will check the text in the figures and correct the figure legends, but we will not edit the figures. We provide a separate service to design high quality figures using your raw images. Please click here for more information.

Can you format my manuscript for a particular journal?

Most journals have very specific requirements in terms of layout, words counts, number of figures and tables. We can certainly help you with the word count and the layout of the paper to match the journal requirements as closely as possible. We also provide a separate service to design high quality figures using your raw images. Please click here for more information.

How does the editing process work?

Each editing job is assigned to a team of two editors. Both are doctorate-level, one with a scientific background and one with an academic English and linguistics background. First the scientist editor will correct the English and the general flow of the manuscript and make sure that the appropriate scientific jargon and nomenclature is used. Then the English editor will do a more thorough proofreading of the English.

How will I receive my revisions?

We will email you the revised versions of your documents. You will receive one Microsoft Word file showing all of our changes and comments so that you can accept/reject each revision individually. We will also send you one file with all of our changes accepted.

How long will it take you to edit my document?

Please refer to the timeline of our different editing options here. We will always do our best to return your revised documents as fast as possible. In general, the more corrections the document needs the more time it takes.

Is your service confidential?

Yes, absolutely! Our editors are also researchers who regularly publish their own work. Therefore, they fully appreciate the implications of confidentiality of unpublished data. Your documents are safe with us and will never be shared with any third party.

Do you address content-related issues of my manuscript?

Our editors typically address only editorial issues. However, occasionally our specialized editors might notice potential concerns in the methodology or analysis of the work presented in the manuscript and will indicate their point of view in the comments. However, this is only intended for your consideration and it is your choice to take any action on it.

Do you guarantee the publication of my manuscript?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that your work will be published. Our editorial corrections will improve the clarity of your paper and make it more compelling, so that the journal reviewers will not be distracted by language imprecisions. The decisions of journal reviewers are based only on the quality of the scientific findings, however, if a reviewer sees too many editorial mistakes, he/she will not trust the scientific content of your work.

Should I include the editing service in my Acknowledgements?

We would appreciate it if you could acknowledge our input in the Acknowledgements section. Please check any relevant requirements (journals, your funding institutions etc.) regarding the acknowledgement of editing services.

What if I have other questions not addressed in FAQs?

Please email us at info@BioMedMentor.com and we will be happy to get back to you promptly.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Submit your question to contact@biomedmentor.com.